Htaccess Redirect Generator
Common Redirects
Custom Redirects
Redirect 1
About Htaccess Redirect Generator Tool
What is an .htaccess Redirect Generator?
An .htaccess Redirect Generator is a tool that helps you create URL redirection rules for your Apache web server. The .htaccess file is a configuration file that allows you to make changes to your server configuration on a per-directory basis, including setting up URL redirects, custom error pages, and URL rewriting rules.
Why Use Our .htaccess Redirect Generator?
Our tool offers several advantages:
- Easy to Use: Simple interface for creating complex redirect rules
- Multiple Redirect Types: Support for 301, 302, 303, 307, and 308 redirects
- Common Redirects: Built-in options for HTTPS and WWW redirects
- Regular Expressions: Support for advanced regex-based redirects
- Instant Preview: See your generated code immediately
Types of Redirects
301 (Permanent): Use when the page has permanently moved to a new location
302 (Temporary): Use when the page is temporarily moved
303 (See Other): Use to force a GET request to the new location
307 (Temporary): Similar to 302, but preserves the request method
308 (Permanent): Similar to 301, but preserves the request method
Common Use Cases
- Redirecting old URLs to new ones after site restructuring
- Forcing HTTPS for secure connections
- Adding or removing www from URLs
- Creating clean URLs for better SEO
- Setting up custom error pages
Important Notes
- Always backup your existing .htaccess file before making changes
- Test redirects thoroughly in a staging environment first
- Ensure your web server has mod_rewrite enabled
- Be careful with regex patterns to avoid redirect loops
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